Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Useful Resources

As the new season is upon us and we have had two evenings already... I thought I would track down some useful information that could be put on the blog that our members could benefit from. These are listed under a new section called "Useful Resources" Already there are three links in there for some quite good tutorials on Photoshop and one for the Lightroom users of the membership.

Whilst for some of the more experienced users some of the tutorials may be quite standard, I hope that this list will be of use to some. Smart Objects in Photoshop for example is very useful and is a tool that I am using more and more.

If you know of any more tutorials that you feel would be worth sharing, drop me a mail at kevin@coral-design.com and I will add them on there.

See you on Wednesday


Monday, 13 September 2010

Blog Advice

After due consideration and not wishing to appear officious or negative the committee wish to remind members that this facility is intended as a forum to discuss anything pertinent to photography and the means to upload images for discussion or comment. It is not intended to be a free advertising site for whatever items you may wish to dispose of.

However exceptions can and will be made for anything which is relevant to the hobby including photographic and computer equipment. Any advertisment deemed to be outside these parameters may be removed so if in doubt please request permission from the webmaster or a committee member.